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Ch Tollylog Angus Mor of Belcrum
"Angus" was
without doubt the most outstanding Clumber Spaniel of his
day. His bag of 25 Challenge Certificates, 18 Reserve CCs,
9 Gundog Groups, 4 times runner-up in Groups plus Champion
Stakes, Pro Dog Stakes and Veteran Stakes wins at Championship
Shows marked him as something special.
Add to this his
exploits in the field - he is the only Clumber Spaniel to have
won the Advanced Gundog Test at Spaniels Field Day - and he
could spend a full day on the shooting ground and win a
Challenge Certificate the following day. He was top
Clumber Spaniel and Top Stud Dog for three years and in 1983 he
capped it all be winning the accolade of Top Gundog, the only
Clumber Spaniel ever to achieve this.
His Champion and Show
Champion sons and daughters weighed in with their successes in
Ch Scarsdale John Barleycorn of Belcrum, Sh Ch Raycroft Sue
Elle, Sh Ch Raycroft String of Pearls, Sh Ch Paws for Thought at
Acredale, Sh Ch Lilt of the Kilt at Belcrum, Sh Ch Mizzimoas
Ambassador of Frastan, Am Ch & Sh Ch Raycroft Sophie, Am Ch
Raycroft Sarong and Danish Ch Raycroft Scheheradade. A
number of present day successful kennels started off with his
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