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(Dual Purpose Clumber & American Cocker Spaniels)

We breed for Temperament, Conformation and Working Ability.

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Welcome to the Belcrum & Tavirosh web site.
This is an introduction to the Belcrum & Tavirosh Clumber Spaniels and to their slaves.
Kennel Proprietors, Bill and Marjorie Ironside, each run their own Clumbers - Bill commenced showing in 1971 and Marjorie some years later in 1980.
Bill's first Clumber was Dobre Moonstone, whom he got from Alma and Fran Fenski's early litter.  He qualified in the Field and won two Challenge Certificates before he fell over a cliff and broke his back in June 1977.
Marjorie started with a lovely bitch,  bred by Colin and Jennie Thompson, Tollylog Sapphire of Tavirosh, who won her Challenge Certificate at Bath Championship Show in 1985. 
She was a beautifully formed bitch, but suffered through being on the small side, but her excellent qualities have come through in the entire Belcrum Tavirosh line which is descended from her. 
She was a grand daughter of the famous Ch Tollylog Angus Mor of Belcrum (founder of the Belcrum side of the team) and the equally noteworthy Ch Scarsdale John Barleycorn of Belcrum (whom Marjorie purchased for what was, at that time,  an enormous price as the major force in her proposed breeding programme) - more of these two Full Champions can be found elsewhere on this site.
When we married in 1993, we decided to keep both affixes alive and we are jointly and singly registered in each.

We live in mid Lincolnshire and also run American Cocker Spaniels and enjoy our house dog Border Terriers.  We both award Challenge Certificates in Clumber Spaniels.
Anyone interested in Bagpipe Music may be interested to know that the background music for this page is titled "Ironside's Jig"
** Our Book about the breed - "The Aristocrat of Spaniels" - has now been reprinted in its second edition and can be purchased directly from us - please go to the contact page to request details  **


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